Tuesday 6 May 2014

Who is “Culturally Compatible” Enough for Canada? Jason Kenney knows.

Jason Kenney may no longer hold the immigration file, but the longest continually serving Immigration Minister in Canadian history still has considerable influence in the multiculturalism, labour, and temporary foreign worker files. Initially elected as a candidate of the Reform Party of Canada, Kenney has evolved into a key strategist for Harper’s Conservatives.

The Reform Party's early immigration policy proposals were laid out in a pamphlet called Blue Sheet which was issued in 1991. It stated that Reformers opposed "any immigration based on race or creed or designed to radically or suddenly alter the ethnic makeup of Canada".

This controversial phrase, among other incidents, raised eyebrows and questions on the fledgling Party’s intolerance towards non-white people. Then-MP Stephen Harper emerged as a prominent member of the Reform Party caucus. Though numerous xenophobic statements by individual Reform party members caused unease at the time, there was little concern that this motley crew of westerners would ever take the reins of national government. 

Twenty years later, the impossible happened.

Minister Kenney, .a.k.a. “Minister for Curry in a Hurry”, was widely recognized for his central role in the Conservative Party's successful 2011 election campaign. With a majority government, Minister Kenney finally had free rein.

Associate professor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University, Dr. Radha Jhappan, wrote in 2010:
Although this [Blue Sheet immigration clause] was dropped, the goal of the current Conservative Party’s immigration policy is to “focus on immigrants who best fit into the ‘Canadian fabric.’” There is clearly a hierarchy of the sorts of people who can stitch themselves into the national fabric and those who can’t. Would the latter, one wonders, be people of certain ‘races or creeds’ who might “alter the ethnic makeup of Canada,” while the former are people who have ethnic origins in Europe?

PM Harper, Kenney and his crew have been careful not speak publicly on these matters. But Kenney slipped up while unrolling the red carpet for the Irish, not long after he cancelled 300,000 patiently-waiting skilled workers' applications. “The employers in Canada are increasingly identifying Ireland as a great source of talent, hard-working, highly-educated folks who are culturally compatible,” Kenney said.

 It wouldn’t be the first time Canada’s immigration legislators surreptitiously selected immigrants based on perceived “compatibility”. The Wilfrid Laurier government declared persons “belonging to the Negro race” were forbidden from immigration because the “race is deemed unsuitable to the climate and requirements of Canada.” The Edmonton Board of Trade had led the way in 1910 when it stated, “We want settlers that will assimilate with the Canadian people and in the negro we have a settler that will never do that.” The flow of Asian newcomers was effectively stifled by the Chinese Head Tax. The feds decided that South-Asians, “having been accustomed to the conditions of a tropical climate, are wholly unsuited to this country… their (in)ability to readily adapt themselves to surroundings so entirely different … would result in a serious disturbance of the industrial and economic conditions” in Canada. Later, Nazi-fleeing Jews were turned down because they were supposedly “liable to become public charges.”

For Canadians who embrace multiculturalism wholeheartedly, Minister Kenney’s inadvertent honestly stirs up memories of Canada’s checkered immigration policy past.

 In response to probing questions, a spokesperson for Kenney said “Canada's immigration system is colour blind, and neutral with respect to country of origin and ethnicity.” 

Canadians familiar with frequent fibs from politicians may not be convinced. Did the Minister cut the immigration chord for 300,000 would-be Canadians, chiefly from China, India and Philippines, in order to let “culturally compatible” Irishmen through? The number of temporary workers from Ireland has more than doubled in the past 3 years.  With the elimination of 300,000 skilled workers’ applications, how many Irishmen jumped to the front of the queue?

Since Statistics Canada does not release reliable data on race of immigrants, permanent residents, temporary foreign workers (or Canadian citizens for that matter), one can only speculate on the evolving racial and “ethnic makeup of Canada” during Kenney’s interminable tenure.

As Kenney sings the praises of “ethnic voters”, he may be subtly doing the jig which attracted him to the Reform Party so long ago. “Dance with the one that brung ya,” so the saying goes.

Friday 7 March 2014

Fashion Distraction Action Part 2

Baird's colleague, Minister Tony Clement, must have been in a hurry to join in on the fashion trend. But his selfie turned the fashion craze into a fashion faux pas: this foreign flag accessory was upside down. Like a child wearing mommy's high heals, Clement fell on the catwalk of political posturing.
They are in such a rush to jump on the fashion trend that they even post selfies online.... posing before the Ukrainian flag -- the new "it" item.

This pandering technique has got to stop. It's embarrassing.

Monday 3 March 2014

Fed's Fashion Distraction No Substitute for Action

The Canadian electorate was once homogenous, thanks to the systemic exclusion of Aboriginal voices. Now, Statistics Canada projects that one-third of Canada's population — up to 14 million people — will be a visible minority by 2031. Statistics Canada also estimates that, by 2030, over 80% of our nation’s population growth will depend on immigration. In recent years, a few savvy political strategists have awakened to this demographic shift, and devised measures to attract support from the so-called “ethnic vote”. Canada’s immigration rules once restricted people of colour from making this their permanent residence. In April 1954, Donald Willard Moore led a delegation from Toronto to Ottawa in an effort to lobby the Diefenbaker government to afford Black West Indians the same immigration opportunities afforded to Caucasians.

Dief' dithered. His successor, PM Lester B. Pearson, made modest changes. PM Pierre Trudeau flung the doors of opportunity wide open to immigrants from the world over. Many of those who took up residence in the Great White North repaid the “party of multiculturalism” with their unwavering support. Their children as well as younger generations of newcomers are often blissfully unaware of the struggles which preceded them. They waltzed into Canada untethered... and are beholden to no particular political party.

Conservative Party strategists rightfully recognized this opportunity and unabashedly, if clumsily, courted those voters. In January 2007, Alberta MP Jason Kenney was sworn in as the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity. Earning the nickname “curry in a hurry”, Kenney criss-crossed the country singing the praises of and to coloured Canadians, and
soon, a fashion trend was born. “Ethnic costumes” served as a visible way of seeming inclusive and multicultural , without implementing any policies to match. The propitiatory strategy worked.
Four years later and on the cusp of a majority government, the Prime Minister’s team openly called for partisans from “cultural groups” to show up in “costumes”.
“The opportunity is to have up to 20 people in national folklore costumes which represent their ethnic backgrounds. These people will sit in front row behind the PM – great TV photo op (sic). 
We are seeking representation from the Arab community. Do you have any cultural groups that would like to participate by having someone at the event in an ethnic costume? We are seeking one or two people from your community.”
It was a departure from governments of yore. One is hard pressed to find a photo of former PMs Pierre Trudeau in a turban, Bryan Mulroney in a kappa, Kim Campbell in a hijab or Jean Chrétien sporting any of the symbols banned by the Quebec Values Charter. There is a notion that one can respect and welcome ethnic Canadians from political wilderness into the fold of tactical relevance without using their “costumes” as a prop. Alas, the ethnic fashion fad has spread to the other federal parties. Still No longer taking the so-called “ethnic vote” for granted, opposition parties seem desperate to catch up with Minister Kenney. Equally inept, they’ve followed the usual talk of diversity and multiculturalism with their own “ethnic costume” theatrics. Upping the ante, the Harper government’s vote-grabber overtures were incorporated into a feted voyage to Israel... with a 200+ delegation in tow. Harper may have won over Sarah Palin, but editorial cartoonist Gary Clement captured the uneasiness surrounding the ploy.
Source: the National Post. January 2014.
The well-rehearsed ruse reached absurd proportions last week as Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird appeared in the middle of the Ukraine crisis sporting the country’s national flag colours around his neck.

Source: Ukrainian Canadian Congress website
Paper tiger Baird lead a Canadian delegation to Ukraine, as the real players in this serious geopolitical crisis were preparing to take concrete (war) measures. Amateurish at best, a beaming Baird smiled for the cameras as his showboat sailed through Kiev.
«You are not only driving me to distraction but also ruining yourself with this eternal solicitude for your reputation. You are a man of honour, nobility of character, and self-respect, as everyone knows; yet, at any moment, you are ready to die with shame!»
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Wearing ethnic garb and religious garments to grovel for votes makes for pretty pictures raised eyebrows. Minorities and ethnic voters aren’t as interested in visible garbs as much as they are in (in)visible actions. None of these fashion distractions are substitutes for measurable results or genuine respect.